After the arrival of the Kali Empire, it was still many years before natives from within the Pyrax System began to make their way through
space. The eladrin of Arboria were early adopters of the kali arcane spelljamming technology. The eladrin Court of Stars began the ancient Pyraxi Alliance among the kingdoms of the neighboring planets of Arcadia and Elysium, and began settlements on these planets. Over many years, the eladrin of Arcadia became known as elves, and the eladrin of Elysium became the drow. Eventually the drow turned to the evil of the Tetrahedron, but that is a tale for another day.
While the elves have only reticently embraced space travel, the spacefaring eladrin and drow have long had a presence in Diamond City. The arcane order they created ages ago was called the Fireseed Circle. Only one drow remains a baron in the city; many other races and classes now fill the ranks of the order. The Fireseed Circle has never held power in the city, but some say its time is at hand. The Circle grows slowly over time, but now has some of the most powerful figures of the city at its helm. Chief among them is the elusive Hummingbird Baron and his cabal, the Kinder of the Sky.